06/17 This weekend I went on a trip hosted by the Technion International School to the north of Israel - a region that until 1967 was a part of Syria. The Golan Heights, what this area is called, came into existence about 30,000 years ago with lava from active volcanos solidifying into a landscape with rolling hills. This has made it a place that people go to with the hope of becoming closer to nature. A few kilometers away from here is the country of Syria where there is a civil war raging between rebel forces within the country. It is a matter of a few kilometers that can seal the fate of one’s life. -------- The beginning of the trek --------- I started my trip in a massive hurry, waking up at 7:45 am with a bus to catch at 8 am. I think it was because I felt a little sick the night before and couldn’t fall asleep for a long time. It wasn’t long before the sense of rush dissipated and I was among hills walking down to the hexagonal pool. The lava that...